Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Learning to Cook!

Well everyone I'm still learning how to cook and for dinner i made a Green Bean Casserole, Steak, Penne Pasta and Crescent Rolls! What now?! I was really excited about it and it turned out really good! Brody was sitting in his high chair the whole time eating his star puffs and he would start to choke on them and Ryan would freak out! It was so cute, but Brody is fine lol : D Well i just had to post that I'm becoming a professional chef and I'm proud of it! Good night!

With Love,
The Pucketts

Brody Update

Brody is going to be Nine months on December 14th. OH MY GOSH! Time has just flown by!
Well he can put his binky in his mouth by himself now. He's pulling himself up onto his knees and then standing on his feet. SO i think he's planning on walking soon! He is eating the graduates Puffs and loves them! He takes handfuls at a time and shoves them into his mouth lol I have to watch him to make sure he doesn't choke of course. He eats two solid foods a day and then his finger foods. He also loves eating the oat pieces out of the lucky charms.

He is becoming very needy! he loves being held :/ ooops lol but its ok. Its usually only when he's tired and i rock him to sleep. Brit bought him this cute little toy from disney land where you have to put the shapes into the holes and he's still trying to figure out but i think he'll understand it soon! Yay!

Also, this is his first Christmas (duh) and he seems to be able to tell that its christmas cause we put up decorations and he looks at them like "what is that for?" lol Its adorable!

Well, more later!

With Love,

My first post!

Hey Guys!
This is my first post. I wanted to first start by saying.. Here Brit i made a blog, finally! Happy?!... lol Now that that is over, I want to let everyone know that if you check back on this often and i haven't kept up with it please dont be mad at me. Give me and email and let me know and ill post a little something to keep everyone updated! Well I'm going to try to figure all this stuff out , while i watch Spanglish and Christa should be heading over soon!

With Love,